
Welcome To Mispriced Markets

I am a private investor who has been enthusiastically pursuing the fine art of value investing for over 25 years. I have designed this website to serve as a resource for those investors following or wishing to follow a similar path. I have no official financial credentials to lend any legitimacy to this project. What I do have, though, is an astonishingly good track record...

Growth of $10,000

If my portfolio had been a mutual fund and someone had invested $10,000 in it in 1996 and hadn't added or taken any money out along the way, they would have seen their money grow to just over $20 million 25 years later.

Home Page Performance Graph - Year End 2023

Reality Check

While 35% is certainly a headline grabbing number (which of course is why I led with it!), it is worth noting that this number was pulled higher by some fairly dramatic, early successes. I’ve continued to produce impressive, market beating returns in the years since but not quite to the same extent. To see a full and complete accounting of my journey through the markets, check out the Track Record section of this website.

My goals for this website are to
Edify, Enlighten and Entertain.


If you are new to investing or are curious to see the approach that I’ve taken to consistently beat the market over the years, I’d encourage you to check out my series of tutorials, found under Value Investing 101. Here, I explain my core value investing philosophy, lay out the basic framework I follow and dive into the nuts and bolts of how to go about analyzing a new stock.


Theory is one thing, but as Mike Tyson said, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” For 6 years, from 2018 to 2024, I blogged in real time about every move I made in the stock market. This was a truly tumultuous and challenging time for investors, encompassing, as it did, the covid pandemic and its aftermath. In retrospect, I couldn’t have possibly picked a better period to showcase all the trials, tribulations and triumphs that come with being a dedicated value investor. In the final accounting, I beat the market by 12% annually over that time period. Hopefully there are some valuable nuggets of wisdom from those 6 years of blog posts that might help other investors achieve similar results. I’ve collected all these posts in one place on the Trading Journal section of this website.


The blog section of this website is a grab bag of all these posts and others. I have no particular agenda in writing this blog and my focus will shift over time. Anything I think is relevant or useful will find its way here. This is a pet project of mine and is meant to be fun. If you have any comments, questions, suggestions or just want to chat, please don't hesitate to send me an email at mispricedmarkets@gmail.com. I love hearing from my fellow investors.

Investing has been a lifelong passion of mine. I love the challenge, the excitement, the rewards and even the frustration of it. Hopefully there are others out there who share the same enthusiasm for the markets that I do. If you are one of those people, this blog is for you!

John Cole